I am passionate about learning, people and growth. My mission is to help other people to take ownership of their own learning and transpose it into clear results – a life of well-being and health, freedom, happiness, passion.
As a chemist, I was always interested in the Chemistry of life – how different molecules can affect our bodies – both in a constructive or destructive way. When I discovered the essential oils back in 2014 I was first curious, then intrigued, then amazed by their properties and effects. Shortly after I started reading more and more scientific research papers on the uses of essential oils – in medicine, perfumery, cosmetics, spirituality and so on.
Gradually my interest grew beyond the pragmatical, scientific approach – I have discovered a whole lifestyle based on the Young Living essential oils – Wellness, Purpose and Abundance can be found given the correct mindset.
I am interested in supporting your growth, helping you tailor your own learning process so that you can achieve your optimum potential. I would be more than happy to work with you!
Email: copilbogdan@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BogdanCopilTraining
Phone number: +420 776 776 731
Best regards,
Bogdan Copil
Young Living ID: 1658482
Do you want to buy the magnificent oils and other products from Young Living as a customer at retail? Then click HERE.
Please click HERE if you want to directly work with me or even have projects in the area of natural, conscious life, and you want to take full advantage of the benefits provided by the Young Living Essential Oils. As a member of my team you get the essential oils at wholesale prices.