It’s almost 8:00 p.m. January 1, 2023 – the year of unimagined possibilities? The goals training is about to begin. From the living room I hear a fine ringing sound: that must be the email with the last reminder and link. It’s about to start.
But I don’t move. I just stare out the window and listen to the hands of the clock. A minute passes, two minutes pass… time slips away. And I remain sitting. As if frozen. Because I just don’t know what I want. Everything is too much for me. I want to do something with my life – but the question is: what? I feel like I’m in a hamster wheel that’s spinning faster and faster and I can’t get out of it.
Does that sound familiar for you?
- “I am not sure what I want”.
- “I am not sure what gives me pleasure and joy”.
- “I rely on others to tell me what to do”.
So week after week, month after month, year after year goes by. Life passes. I live people’s expectations, people’s demands… but my heart, it doesn’t live. There must be a deeper purpose – even for me, right?
I missed the goals training. I missed the date last week. I missed the spa night a few days ago. I miss so many things. What kind of life is this going to be?
My Dream
Suddenly I feel as if a gentle breeze is blowing through my hair. My hair! That’s the first thing I notice… in everyday life I always wear it in a tight knot – but now there’s no ribbon holding it together. How can it be that I have forgotten that? While my thoughts still turn to the question of where my hair ribbon could have gone, I notice that my bare feet are standing on small, somewhat stubbly and almost tickling grass. And at the same moment, as an almost divine scent brushes my nose, I open my eyes. I am standing in the middle of a field full of fragrant yellow flowers: Davana! The sacred flower of Shiva… slowly I lift my gaze. I find myself face to face with a tall, majestic figure: Shiva.

Silence. The endless carousel of thoughts in my head finally comes to rest. My gaze sinks into the light-filled, majestic apparition before me. Peace. Clarity.
For the first time in many years, I feel clear inside again. I see my life before me and know exactly what to do. A lively, invigorating energy suddenly flows through me. The desire to live awakens in me. Finally – I really feel like waking up and living!
Time appears to stand still.
And then, gently – the appearance of Shiva gradually begins to fade. And even as he becomes more and more translucent, I hear within me the words: “On this earth there is no one who does anything. The whole universe is a puppet theater. We all dance the dance of Shiva”.
Yes. It’s really not very difficult – in fact, it’s so easy I could laugh out loud! There is nothing to create. I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. I don’t have to frantically try to be something special either. I am just allowed to be. And dance: your dance of life, Shiva’s dance. To the melody that resounds from my heart.
And Davana – this beautiful, golden flower of Shiva is here, with its beguiling fragrance and wondrous effects, to help me do just that.
Who or what is Davana?
Davana (Artemisia pallens) helps you realize your divine destiny and find your true identity. Get clear about who you want to be and what you want to do. Be innovative and free to create and manifest your heart’s desires. Things can be put into action faster than you might expect. When you feel dark, sluggish or stuck, allow your heart to be inspired by the bright rays of divine joy and hope.
Don’t let flaws, weaknesses and other limitations prevent you from radiating your light, your love.

The beginning…
“Davana” comes from Sanskrit and has several meanings, including “flower” and “fruit“. It is also associated with “the beginning” and means the origin of man and creation. In Lithuanian, davana means “gift“.
Davana is steam distilled from flowers and leaves. So belongs to the flower oils and can sweeten our lives with the qualities of the archetype of flowers.
Did you know that Davana flowers have been offered to the god Shiva for thousands of years? Shiva is considered the god of transformation in India. They are still used today in honor of Shiva in temples and on altars.
The Davana plant, also called pale-leaved mugwort, is part of the same family as daisies and originates from southern India, where it is traditionally used by Ayurvedic healers to balance the three doshas or energies in the body.
Did you know that Davana belongs to the daisy family?
The flow of life – Shiva’s dance
Davana is the essential oil of the free FLOW state. It supports you to balance the energy of work and pleasure. To come into balance. To live balance.
Davana’s rich yet soft feminine quality brings balance and opens the heart chakra to change. It helps both men and women activate the yin and yang of the divine masculine and divine feminine.
The oil has a calming radiance and promotes positive change and transformation through the heart. It helps people and animals who are out of touch, confused or distracted by mental chatter and other unnecessary stressors in life.
Find balance with the warm, sweet and soothing aroma of Davana essential oil. Allow yourself a few minutes to yourself, and anoint yourself with Davana.
Use Davana to support positive thinking.
- Mix it with Tangerine or Orange essential oils as you like.
- Davana essential oil alleviates the stress of the day by balancing energies and calming the body and mind. Throughout the day, take a few minutes to inhale the scent of Davana and remember: it’s allowed to go light.
Davana aroma intensifies romance and sexual desire. Davana encourages you to feel comfortable in your own skin. Be adventurous and free to explore your passions and pleasures. The aphrodisiac effect is one of the reasons why Davana should not be missing in any life that is about self-love, partnership love and passion. You can add it to your bedroom diffuser blend or use it in a sensual massage oil.
For men it is particularly useful in situations where the persevering masculinity is required. It blends beautifully with sage (Salvia sclarea) and vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides), especially for sensual nights of physical and emotional love and intimacy.

Beauty, Beauty & Care
In India, Davana is traditionally used to support beautiful, healthy skin and promote emotional, physical and spiritual well-being (which also affects your outer appearance). Davana essential oil supports your healthy skin; can help you cleanse your skin, maintain the appearance of healthy, glowing skin; reduces blemishes and promotes your glow coming from within.
Did you know that Davana essential oil not only smells different to different people, but it also smells different on different people?
Incredible but true! Davana adapts to an individual’s personal chemistry, allowing a unique aroma to emerge. Embrace your personal power with confidence. Be yourself. Give yourself permission to live life fully, passionately and authentically.
“A hundred thousand fragrances seemed worth nothing before this one fragrance.
This one was the higher principle, after whose model the others had to order themselves.
He was pure beauty.”
– Patrick Süskind in “Perfume”
Davana’s adaptable nature is highly appreciated in the perfume industry for many years. This and its sweet, floral and fruity aroma make it an ideal natural perfume or cologne.
In oil blends, Davana oil provides the balance and adaptability necessary for transformation. It releases spiritual, emotional and mental tension in the chakras. This is why it is so well suited for blends such as Animal Scents, Release, Trauma Life and Acceptance.
Davana and animals?
Yes, Davana is also suitable for animals. It is best to let your animals sniff it directly from the bottle or put one or two drops in your palm and let them smell it. It is important that you always give them the opportunity to leave. Never force animals to do this. You can also put a drop of Davana in your palm and stroke them from head to tail. Dogs in particular are very attracted to this oil.
Did you know that davana is the favorite food for the larvae of many butterfly species?
I currently only recommend using Young Living oils on animals. For humans, by the way, too 🙂
Safety notes
What are the safety precautions? First, use only therapeutic grade essential oils for best results! There are no known contraindications for Davana essential oil.
It should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding because of the ketones. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medication, or have a medical condition, you should consult a health care professional before using.
Children 2 years and older can use this oil topically with dilution.
What is your favorite application with Davana? Please share it with us in the chat! 💚 What are your favorite wellness uses with essential oils? Please share it with us in the comments….
With very kind regards,
Eila for Team ENJOY
Ps: Don’t have your own Young Living order account yet? Then go to our aroma experts here, pick someone from your area, and order your essential oils right away. Why wait any longer?
Pss: Would you like to come to a fragrant evening and experience the oils live? Then register here, as soon as the next oil evening takes place in your area, you will be invited to it.