Golden Touch – free yourself with the golden touch of essential oils

images-1Life can take a toll on your body and emotions. Too many people don’t understand this connection. Instead of releasing emotions and healing, individuals continue to push their emotions deeper and deeper. Left unchecked, negative feelings like anger, pain, and fear can move into the stomach, kidney, liver, heart, or other vital systems—essentially taking over the body and mind. In turn this drives emotions deeper into the body, creating a negative downward spiral.

Young Living essential oils offer natural solutions to combat and overcome negative emotions. The Golden Touch 1™ kit, along with sacred frankincense, can be used to release deep, negative feelings, which will help you overcome emotional hurdles. Just follow these easy steps:

DiGize™: If you are experiencing ongoing digestive issues, rub a few drops of DiGize on your abdomen to help release emotions stored in the stomach.

EndoFlex™: Apply a few drops of EndoFlex over your kidneys to let go of the fear that might stop you from moving forward.

Melrose™: Emotions can be taxing to your system. Apply Melrose to your solar plexus (upper stomach area) to help reduce mental fatigue.

Raven™: Rub a few drops of Raven on your chest to release tension in the body that is hard process and let go of.

R.C.™: Your lungs and circulatory system can also be affected by emotions. Diffuse R.C. to help process negative emotions stored in these areas.

Thieves®: Rub Thieves on the bottoms of your feet to give your body and immune system the support and protection it needs to overcome unwanted emotions.

Bonus Oil: Sacred Frankincense: Use sacred frankincense to improve mental clarity and spiritual well-being.

By using these wonderful oils you are adding to the power within to overcome hurdles that might be standing in your way of achieving greater wellness, purpose, and abundance.