The history of essential oils for strengthening health, wellness and body care/meditation, prayer and yoga goes back thousands of years. The essential oils were used by the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, India, China and the Middle East. They were understood by our ancestors much better than we can understand them today. The use of aromatic oils has a very long history.

Beneficial fragrances – a manifestation of the divine
Beneficial fragrances have been seen over time as a manifestation of divinity, as a connection between humanity and the spiritual world. The origin of essential oils is generally attributed to ancient Egypt, India and the ancient Persian Empire. Usually it goes back to the mysterious Kingdom of Saba in today’s Ethiopia, which was considered the cradle of mankind.
Egypt is the home of perfumery, medicine and pharmacy. Essential oils and other precious substances came to Egypt from all over the world with the legendary caravans. These included cedar wood, sandalwood, hyssop, rose, cypress, myrrh, frankincense, cinnamon and many others. The Egyptians practiced the art of versatile application of essential oils in all areas of life. Starting with massage, through body care, cleansing, spiritual practice and physical as well as mental healing and they were well-known specialists for the seductive applications of essential oils. Basically, their products were legendary in the whole civilized world of that time.
The scent of plants – Around the world
Fragrances were part of the spiritual life of the time. A large number of ancient texts advocate the use of sandalwood, rose, myrrh, ginger, coriander and others. The Hebrews also used aromatic substances for special cleansing rituals. No sacred rite without appropriate oils.
In China, essential oils and aromatic essences were used for a variety of ailments. Chinese researchers first documented the use of aromatic oils between 2697 and 2597 B.C. This happened during the entire reign of Huang Ti.
The Greeks regarded aromatic plants as gifts from the gods. In their opinion, the plants, together with the oils, had an important spiritual value and an important spiritual application. It is possible that they received their knowledge of aromatherapy from the Egyptians. The fathers of medicine recommended daily immersion in a fragrant bath and massage with natural oils to promote a longer life.
The Romans used aromatic oils in their famous baths in Pompeii and Rome. The bath was an important part of the Roman culture. They obtained their knowledge from the Greeks.
The Europeans learned the essential oils from crusaders who returned from their missions. It is believed that the knowledge of the crusaders was the beginning of the famous French perfume industry.
Essential oils and the Bible
The Bible describes over 33 different essential oils and aromatic plants and mentions over 1000 different applications. Some people even go so far as to claim that God was the very first aromatherapist. For what was one of the first things that God did for the benefit of all living beings according to the Bible? He created fragrant plants, he created paradise. In Genesis it is spoken of how God designed this wonderful, fragrant garden for all people, animals and living beings.
The value of essential oils
The Bible tells a lot about how important and valuable essential oils were in those days. In Genesis 37- 50 there is a story of Joseph, the youngest son of Jacob. Joseph is the favorite of his parents. This leads to his brothers being jealous of him and hating him. So they sell him into slavery. They sold him to a caravan that transported spices, balm and myrrh. This is the first time in the Bible that there is talk about essential oils.
Over time, Jacob worked his way up until he was one of the most influential men in Egypt. But then the whole country suffered a severe drought, and Jacob’s brothers came to him and begged him for grain, fruit and other food. And they came and offered him almonds, spices, balm and myrrh. Essential oils were considered one of the most valuable substances at that time, they were considered so valuable that they could be used to buy people, or precious food in the face of a long and terrible drought.

This story is not only a story of extraordinary strength of character, but also forgiveness. For when Jacob’s brothers beg him for help without recognizing him, it is up to him: does he kill them? does he throw them out? or does he forgive them their shameful deed and help them?
The fragrance of joy

Application: Now take a drop of the essential oil mixture Joy. Inhale it. Close your eyes and remember a moment when you felt intense joy. Or visualize something that brings a deep feeling of joy to life in your heart.
It is so important to stay aware of the joy of life. This is not a mixture from the Bible. But it speaks of the oil of joy, and our lives are so blessed when we live in gratitude, happiness and joy.
“You love righteousness and hate iniquity; therefore God your God has anointed you with oil of joy like none of your companions”.
Psalm 45
Do you get goose bumps too?
Essential oils go very deep into our brain, almost immediately they enter an ancient part of our brain, the limbic system. In the limbic system we control our hormones, our emotions, our connection to people, etc. If you use essential oils, you have an immediate way to reach these deep, central areas of the brain.
How do you apply an essential oil? Drop a drop on your left palm, rub it in with your right hand, turning clockwise to activate it, then place your palms in front of your nose and inhale the fragrance. Feel free to close your eyes so that you can fully immerse yourself in the fragrance. Take a moment and give thanks. It is such a precious gift that we have the opportunity to use essential oils to influence our brain, our emotions, our whole life in such a lasting way.

How were essential oils used in biblical times?
On the one hand, essential oils were used in the form of incense. Especially among Catholics, incense plays a very important role in their rituals and services. The smoking of incense resin is very common there. But incense also plays an important role in many other religions and spiritual traditions.
And then, of course, there was also diligently anointed. In Exodus 22 – 25, for example, we find the recipe of the holy anointing oil. Here we are told how the Lord spoke to Moses and told him: “Bring me myrrh, cinnamon, sweet calamus oil and cassia, and mix them all together in olive oil. Make me an anointing oil, which shall be known as the holy anointing oil”.
Would you like to make your own anointing oil?
Mix 32 drops of myrrh, 32 drops of cassia, 16 drops of cinnamon, half a cup of olive oil. Anoint yourself or your loved ones with this wonderful anointing oil and sanctify yourself for Christmas, the blessed night.

Oils of ancient Scripture – The essential oils of the ancient scriptures
Which essential oils are in the Bible Oils – Set?
In this set you will find 10 of the most popular essential oils of that time: Sandalwood (Santalum paniculatum), Cassia (Cinnamomum cassia), Cedar (Cedrus atlantica), Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis), Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha), Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Onycha (Styrax benzoin) and Cistus (Cistus ladanifer).
Aloes – Sandalwood

was brought to Jesus by Nicodemus as a gift. After Jesus was crucified, Nicodemus worried that the Jews might steal his dead body. So Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilates with this concern, and he said, “Okay, you can have his body. Then Nicodemus and Joseph came and brought between 34 and 45 kilos of sandalwood mixed with myrrh. This shows how much respect and love Nicodemus had for Jesus – because essential oils were by no means cheaper then than today, on the contrary.
Did you know that the essential oil of sandalwood is very rich in sesquiterpenes?
The scent of sandalwood supports a deep relaxation of the nervous system – among other reasons, this is why it has been used for centuries all over the world to promote meditation and prayer. Although the scent is calming on the one hand, it can also activate the sexual energy on the other hand. For all Tantricists and Kundaliniyogis it is a wonderful support in practice.
I personally like to use it to relax and concentrate during meditation. But I also do not miss the skin caring properties. A drop of sandalwood in your skin care gives your skin a softness and gentleness never seen before.
Application: Sandalwood is wonderful for skin care. And for meditation: apply one drop to your coccyx and one drop to your neck.

has great similarities with cinnamon. It has a similar scent, it is a very hot oil, so make sure to dilute it before you apply it to your skin. Cinnamon and cassia belong to the same plant family, which also includes laurel.
On the energetic level, cassia helps you to transform the energy of “worthlessness”, “being unimportant” and “oppression” that keeps you from being in touch with your divine self. Kassia helps you realize that we are all truly free. And that each of us has a unique meaning, a unique significance in this world.
Application: A very nice daily application of Kassia is to apply one drop on the soles of your feet every day. Especially in winter this is wonderful. In the Psalms, Kassia is spoken of at 45:8:
“Myrrh and aloe, cassia is all your garments; from palaces of ivory, stringed instruments delight you”.
Hey, yes! essential oils make us happy, they bring joy into our lives. Joy and fragrance 🙂
application: Would you like to make a clothing spray as well? Mix myrrh, aloes and cassia in a spray bottle with distilled water and spray it on your bed sheets, clothes, etc.

is possibly the very first essential oil ever distilled. Its trace can be traced back over 5000 years. Priests anointed their right ear, right thumb and right toe with cedar wood oil. Why? That is a good question. The best thing is to just try it out and find out for yourself what happens.
We now know that cedar is one of those oils that has the most sesquiterpenes. Sesquiterpenes help to strengthen mental focus. In addition, we now know that there are reflex points on the ear which not only have to do with mental focus, but also help us to overcome and erase fears and clarify the bad relationship with our parents. Who does not need this? David Stewart concludes that people back then must have studied both reflexology and aromatherapy, and the art of how they work in combination.
Is this really true? I can’t tell you that – but the assumption is obvious. Many of the most famous temples were built of cedar. The temple of King Solomon, for example, was built from the cedars of Lebanon. Cedar wood is very durable – and it also gives off the great aroma of cedar. Have you ever found yourself in a room that was built entirely of wood? No laminate, no concrete … wood. Then you can roughly imagine how deeply effective an entire temple of pure cedar must have been.
One of the main reasons why people used to like to build their temples out of cedar wood was that the scent helped them to maintain and strengthen their mental focus. Especially leaders need a clear head and a good focus. In 1 Kings 4:33 it says
“And he spake three thousand sayings, and his songs were a thousand and five. And he spake of trees, from the cedar of Lebanon to hyssop growing out of the wall. And he spoke also of cattle, and of birds, and of worms, and of fishes. And there came from every people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of the earth, who had heard of his wisdom”.
Solomon gave oils – days? Interesting 🙂
Here we see an example where hyssop and cedar were used in combination. This is an extremely interesting combination, because in with cedar we have the support to mental focus and hints on reflex points, which have to do with letting go of fears, and hyssop is the “erasing, the purifying” essential oil par excellence.
Directions: Apply a drop of cedar to your temples to support your concentration.
Special application: Heat a small bowl of olive oil in a water bath to about 40C. Add about 10 drops of cedar and anoint your feet, up to your knees… feel how you are connected to Mother Earth, how she supports, nourishes and strengthens you.

is an extremely durable wood. Objects made of cypress can live for well over a thousand years. This extremely durable and stable wood contains an essential oil, which is very rich in monoterpenes. In Isaiah 44:14 is written
“He goes to cut down cedars, or he takes a holm oak or an oak tree and draws it up large under the trees of the forest. He plants a spruce, and the rain makes it grow”.
Here one of the basic principles of Christianity, of being human, is revealed. When we take care of something, care for something, a blessing comes from a higher place, which takes care of ourselves. In today’s society, where the attitude “you owe me something” or “I have a right to do so” is so widespread that we are overexploiting Mother Earth, even ourselves, this is an attitude that can bring healing and recovery to us all.
“You are beautiful, my friend, yes, you are beautiful.
Two doves are your eyes.
Beautiful you are, my beloved, tempting.
Fresh green is our camp,
Cedars are the beams of our house, cypresses are the walls”.
(From Song of Solomon)
Application: Put a few drops of cypress in your diffuser, surround yourself with its fragrance and ask yourself: “how can I serve? what can I do good for others today? There are so many little things that each of us can do every day to make life more beautiful, easier and more joyful for all of us here on this beautiful planet.
Cypress is also a wonderful oil for unbalanced skin. Just give it a try and add a drop of cypress to your skin care!
The cypress helps us to release blockages, not to hold on tight but to let go. This is especially important in times of change to be able to master transitions well. It helps you to find the hold and security you are looking for within yourself. Let go, trust the flow of life and enjoy the journey!

the undisputed favorite of the biblical oils, is considered the universal oil par excellence. It is described 22 times in the Bible, and then as now, it is still considered a key element in many spiritual practices and rituals, it is also found in most eau de cologne and skin care creams of today. In ancient Egypt the motto was: “Incense is good for everything, from head to toe”.
“What comes up there from the desert?
Like columns of smoke it draws in;
it smells of incense and myrrh”
(From the Song of Songs of Solomon)
In Mathew 2:11 we find probably the most famous text in the Bible regarding essential oils, which is known even by people who do not come from a Christian background:
“They went into the house and saw the child and Mary his mother; and they fell down and worshipped him. Then they took out their treasures and offered him gold, frankincense and myrrh as gifts”.
Most people today know that the three wise men brought gold, incense and myrrh to the Child Jesus around the time of his birth. Mary will have known exactly what to do with these precious gifts. Essential oils were a normal thing at that time. It is assumed today that these precious gifts were applied to the body of little Jesus. That is why we do not find any exact instructions in the Bible what to do with them. It was simply known. Who could have imagined at that time that many generations later all knowledge from that time was lost, and that today it is all about showing people again that essential oils are safe and beneficial?
Application: Put a drop of incense on your forehead when you meditate or deepen in prayer. Apply incense daily for skin care or use it in the diffuser to create an uplifting atmosphere in which you can connect with the divine.

is a pure “cleaner”. Many of the applications with hyssop go back to antiquity. On a spiritual and energetic level it was used to cleanse – even to wash away sin. This is an oil that literally casts out demons from you. Hyssop helps you to free yourself from your inner “garbage”.
This is a very intense oil, which smells very fresh and slightly acidic. Hyssop contains 20-40% monoterpenes and almost 50% ketones. Monoterpenes are known to activate information on the DNA level and ketones calm you on the emotional level.
The Israelites protected themselves and their house from evil by taking the blood of a sacrificed lamb and applying it to the door and window frames of their houses with hyssop twigs. Hyssop thus protected them from danger. Hyssop and the blood of a sacrificed lamb were thus used to protect the Israelites from evil. In Psalm 51:7 it says
“Defile me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow”.
Hyssop also played an important role in the crucifixion of Jesus. Hyssop branches were laid at his feet, and when he was already dying, sour wine was offered to him, on hyssop branches. So we find several descriptions of hyssop in connection with purification and protection from danger. If you are dealing with deep, emotional abysses, this is a wonderful oil for you.
Hyssop has been used since the time of the Lemurs. It helps you to realize your purpose in life and improve your relationships with other people and the divine. It helps you to let go of self-judgment and not to judge others. Hyssop helps you to abandon old beliefs that no longer serve you and supports you to go on your life journey with fresh energy and to explore yourself and your life’s work.
Application: I like to wear hyssop behind my ears. Some people have a very strong emotional reaction to hyssop. Others have strong skin reactions to hyssop. So approach hyssop with common sense and give yourself the time and space to let hyssop work.

is another famous oil. It is known as “Stakte” oil. This is a very viscous, almost sticky oil. A “Stakte” is an oil that holds other oils together. Believe me, you do not want this to happen on your head, so myrrh is one of the few oils that is not suitable for hair and scalp care! But all the more in skin and oral care…
Myrrh is often used in blends as it helps to keep the individual essential oils together. Myrrh is a very deep, earthy oil. Since myrrh is often used as “Stakte”, many people say that this shows God’s intention that we should use the oils as blends. After all, there is an oil for just this purpose. And indeed, it is so that when we lived in paradise, the essential oils were all around us in all their diversity – a huge Great Blend, so to speak, which surrounded us day and night. And even today, when we go into untouched nature, a multitude of essential oils surround us.
There is a verse in Proverbs:
“I perfumed my bed with myrrh, sandalwood and cinnamon.
Application: Just try it out! Perfume your bed with a mixture of equal parts of myrrh, sandalwood and cinnamon. Maybe you have never slept so heavenly.
Myrrh was not only brought to Jesus at birth. Myrrh was also given to him at his crucifixion. So this is an oil that covered his whole life, he was greeted with it, and with it he was bid farewell. Wonderful, isn’t it?
On an emotional level, myrrh helps you to let go of fears and disturbing memories of bad experiences. Myrrh shows you how to accept and trust yourself more and stop judging yourself.
Directions: Apply a drop of myrrh to your heart. When your heart becomes wide and soft, your mind can be wide and free. You are anchored in the Now and at peace with all that is.

supports skin and hair care. Raises the spirit and has a positive effect on meditation. The fragrance has an uplifting and euphoric effect on the mind. It helps to bring the male-female energies in the body into balance so that we can become whole – Heil – in ourselves.
One of the names of Esther was “Hadasa”, which means myrtle. Esther was a woman who is still highly appreciated by many Christian women today. Myrtle was used in her preparations for her wedding. She was rubbed daily with essential oils such as myrtle, myrrh and others for 6 months in preparation for her wedding. The myrtle was then used in her wedding ceremony. Myrtle was also used at the feast of the Tabernacle.
In Nehemiah 8:15 we read
“Go forth into the mountains and gather branches of oil, branches of balsam, branches of myrtle, branches of palm trees, and branches of deciduous trees, that they may make deciduous huts, as it is written.
Application: Here we read about a very interesting mixture: olive, myrtle and other trees. Get creative and make your own blend based on olive oil, with myrtle and all the tree oils you have at home. It smells like magic, doesn’t it?


is a resin oil. Just as frankincense and myrrh are in the resin of the tree, which is then steam distilled to extract the oil, so it is with onycha. This is an oil that is so viscous that it hardly drips out of the bottle. Roll it between your hands, hold it, warm it and move it, then it will also drip out. Onycha has a mild vanilla aroma because it contains vanilla-aldehydes. Onycha is one of the oils that is part of the sacred perfume. This was one of the recipes that Moses got directly from God. In Exodus 30:34 we read:
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Take thee spices, and the balm, and the stakes, and the galban, and the pure frankincense, from one as much as from another, and make incense thereof, mixed together according to the anointing maker’s art, that it may be pure and holy.
Mix yourself this recipe! Myrrh, galbanum and pure incense if you like in a base of olive oil. This is a mixture for meditation, for silence, for sacred moments.
Onycha is a warm oil – soothing for your emotions and your skin. Emotionally, Onycha helps you with energies and feelings like the fear of being erased, it cleanses you on all levels and leads you towards freedom and true emancipation.
Cistus – the rose of Sharon

has a sweet, honey-like scent. This is an oil which is very soothing and uplifting for all senses, for the soul and the skin. In biblical times it was used for example for small cuts and wounds of goats and sheep. In the Song of Solomon it says
“I am a flower in the meadows of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
A lily among thistles is my friend among the girls.
An apple tree among forest trees is my beloved among the boys.
In its shadow I desire to sit. How sweet his fruit tastes to my palate!”
(From Song of Solomon)
The cistus helps you to stay in contact with your senses. Your five senses are your five gates to the now. And in the now the magic of life takes place. Because the only thing that is really real, really exists is the Now. Cistus is also an essential oil of meditation – it also strengthens inner vision and sight.
Application: Care and pamper your skin with a drop of rockrose, especially when it is stressed.
Anchor yourself in the now by inhaling a drop of rockrose and let yourself go to the present moment. All there is now is the now…
In the Bible we read, share God with all those who have ears to hear. Let those who do not hear be simple. That is my wish for you too. Share the message – more importantly, share the experience of Bible oils with all those people in your life who are open to it, and don’t let others block you.
In this sense I wish you a wonderful time,
With fragrant greetings, Eila Büche from Team ENJOY
Ps: Don’t have your own Young Living order account yet? Then go to our aroma experts here, pick someone from your area, and order your essential oils right away. Why wait any longer?
Pss: Would you like to come to a fragrant evening and experience the oils live? Then register here, as soon as the next oil evening takes place in your area, you will be invited to it.